Periodontal Therapy Services

Masters of Dentistry
Victus Dental is passionate about helping you live your best quality of life. We believe this starts with a beautiful, healthy smile. While the best thing you can do for your smile is to keep a regimented oral healthcare routine that includes brushing your pearly whites twice a day and flossing often, we know that things happen and sometimes plaque build up occurs. This is where we step into the equation. As Masters of Dentistry, we are here to help make things go right and even to help correct course when things go wrong. We’ve seen our fair share, and our team is highly trained to help our patients who are suffering from periodontitis.
While many people may assume that dentistry focuses on the health of teeth, it really is an all-encompassing practice that caters to every part of your oral health including the gums. The two are actually closely aligned, as healthy gums are critical to healthy teeth. In fact, diseased gums not only threaten your oral health but can have an impact on your entire body.
Just like plaque can build on your teeth, the bacteria that builds plaque can infect your gums. This infection causes your gum line to recede and pull away from your teeth. This is an early stage of Periodontal disease, called gingivitis.
Gingivitis is highly treatable and can usually be corrected with a better oral healthcare routine and a few minor lifestyle changes. However, if left untreated, diseased gums can continue to worsen and not only wreck your tissue, but cause your teeth to fall out. Healthy gums are what keep your teeth in your mouth, so a lack of gums causes a variety of issues.
This may sound far-fetched, but many Americans deal with gum disease every year. Periodontitis can even reach beyond your mouth and infect your bloodstream. This leads to serious problems such as strokes, heart disease, and more.
Don’t worry, though! As your resident Masters of Dentistry, Victus Dental has your back. We have a variety of treatments available to you to help gain back your excellent oral health. While advanced periodontitis can be tricky, we are more than capable of easing its effects and keeping affected areas clean through periodontal therapy.
Periodontal therapy includes deep cleaning the sockets around the teeth to rid the areas of harmful bacteria. In order to keep the harmful bacteria away, you will most likely need to come in every few months so we can repeat this deep cleaning and promote gum growth. In some more advanced cases of periodontitis, this therapy may include minor surgery in order to make sure you stay healthy and your mouth stays clean.
The procedure required in this instance is scaling and root planing. This consists of one of our knowledgeable team members using an ultrasonic cleaner to break down plaque build-up and to separate the hardened plaque, or tartar, from your gumlines and infected roots. It’s important that we clean all the way down to the pockets so that the plaque doesn’t start building back right away.
After the tartar is cleaned away during the scaling process, we will begin root planing. Root planing is when we use a scaling tool to smooth your tooth roots down to promote their reattachment to your gums.
Scaling and root planning is highly beneficial because this procedure is known to reduce the pocket size between your teeth and gums. When the pockets are reduced, there is a lessened chance you will experience tooth loss and further damage from periodontitis.
No one wants to go through the motions of periodontitis, so we encourage all of our patients to maintain a consistent oral healthcare routine. As you come in for regular cleanings, one of our team members will usually be able to easily spot the beginning stages of gingivitis, so don’t worry if you aren’t sure what it looks like. Gingivitis is highly treatable and will not instantly progress into periodontitis, and we will be here to advise you no matter what stage you are in.
If you are interested in periodontal therapy or would like to know what that process may look like for you, contact us today! You’ve got resident Masters of Dentistry on your side to help you conquer the effects of periodontitis.